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soUlºsa Classes

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soUlºsa Classes


Intro to Cuban Style with soUl°sa

Beginners Level Salsa Partnerwork Class

Cuban Style Salsa, also known as Casino style dancing. Learn three fundamental components of Partner Dancing to Cuban Style music (AKA Timba), and what makes them different from Salsa.


Intro to Rueda de Casino with soUl°sa

Beginners Level Group Salsa Class

Rueda de Casino is a group dance popularized in Cuba where dancers change partners by following calls that dictate specific responses in the form of partner combinations and group interactions. Learn fundamental calls that make up the foundation of moving around the “Wheel” (Rueda).


Rueda (NO) Casino

Rueda (NO) Casino - All Levels

This class is the best place to get started if you have never danced in the Rueda, and perfect for those who have but want to go over the basics! In this class we introduce Guapea (Basic step for Rueda), Dame and Enchufla, and the focus is on moving within the wheel (Rueda). There are NO Casino style turns, only Rueda variations.


Casino/Rueda de Casino – soUl°sa Style!

Int/Adv Partnerwork and Rueda Group Class

Rueda de Casino is a group dance popularized in Cuba where dancers change partners by following calls that dictate specific responses in the form of partner combinations and group interactions.

This class features intermediate/advanced partnerwork combinations based on the three main movements (vacila, enchufla, DQN). It will also feature more advanced variations for moving around the wheel and advanced Casino patterns made for the Rueda.


soUlºsa Casino PartnerWork

soUlºsa Casino Combination building class

This class highlights three main movements of partner dancing influenced by Cuban Style music and culture with the flavor of Energetic Soul. soUlªsa combines both linear and circular concepts. Join with a partner or by yourself. Lead better. Follow better. Dance better. Energetic Soul Conversations…


soUlºsa Drills for PartnerWork

soUlºsa Drills to improve partner dancing skills

This class is a skill building class for partner dancing. We work on drills developed by Energetic Soul that are designed to further develop partner conversations "sin palabras" (without words) on the dance floor.


6 Weeks to soUl°sa

Learn to Dance to Salsa in Six Weeks!

Six Weeks to soUl°sa concept based on three shapes: The Square, Reverse Triangle and Circle. Learn more about this dynamic, no fluff, way to get what you want - on the dance floor with fresh moves in Six Weeks. This course is the introduction to dancing and it covers basic steps, basic framework, mindset and timing. It is designed for beginners, but All Level dancers who would like to refine their footwork and partner dancing conversation are welcome and encouraged to attend.


Enriching your Casino Style Dancing

How Guaguancó & Son can aid interpreting tImBa music

This workshop weekend focuses on how Guaguancó and Son influence how we dance to tImBa. We will explore different movements that can add flavor and depth to your dancing style. We will explore two different tempos that are interchangeable while dancing to tImBa. Drills that help enhance what we talk about.


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